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Torchere (one of a pair)




42 in x 19-1/2 in x 17 in (top, 9-1/2 dia)



Credit Line

Historic Odessa Foundation, gift of H. Rodney Sharp

Accession Number



This pair of torcheres (torchere .1 was photographed) stands on three cabriole legs with plain feet that are pointed.  The shaft or standard has a columnar turning above domes and reels above an elongated tapered turning with rings, a combination of turnings that has little, if any, 18th century counterparts.  The torcheres exhibit little wear or evidence of age.  The circular tops attach to a molded disks below with screws from underneath.  The entire unit attached to the standard by threaded dowels, all of which appears to be of modern construction.  

Eighteenth-century English counterparts were called candlestands.  Typically made in pairs, they often accompanied a wall table that stood between them.